PATRAP SENOPATI is abbreviation of Paguyuban Trah Panembahan Senopati.

According to the Big Indonesian Dictionary, this Paguyuban is defined as an association that is familly in nature, founded by people who share the same bloodline to foster unity and harmony amongs its member.

PATRAP , The Panembahan Senopati descendants association Foundation is an association to gather or collect  the descendants of anchestors of Panembahan Senopati who are living around the world.

Who is  Panembahan Senopati ?

Panembahan Senopati’s real name is Danang Sutowijoyo who is also known as Sutawijaya. He is the son of Ki Gede Pemanahan and the founder of the forerunner of the Islamic Mataram kingdom in the 16th century AD.

After successfully liberating the Islamic Mataram kingdom from the Pajang Kingdom, Sutawijaya appointed himself as a sultan with the title Panembahan Senopati in 1586. The worship of Senopati has the title of Senopati ing Alaga Sayidin Panatagama Khalifatullah tanah Jawa, which shows the king’s authority over government and religion. While the title of Senopati is for the title of warlord.

From his four wives, Panembahan Senopati had 14 children, namely Gusti Kanjeng Ratu Pambayun, Prince Ronggo, Prince Puger, Prince Teposono, Prince Purbaya, Prince Rio Manggala, Prince Adipati Jayaraga, Panembahan Hadi Hanyokrowati, Gusti Raden Ayu Demang Wiramantri, Prince Adipati Pinggoloyo I, Prince Juminah, Prince Martoloyo, and Prince Tanpa Nangkil.

After being in power for 15 years, Panembahan Senopati died in 1601 AD and was buried in Kotagede Yogyakarta, then his son, Raden Mas Jolang, had the title Panembahan Hanyokrowati.


The Purpose of the establishment of   PATRAP SENOPATI  Association is to gather and strengthen family relation amongs the descendants of Panembahan Senopati who are living scattered all over the world. And as much as possible, the commitee will explore all corners of the country in order to prevent “Kepaten- obor” according the javanese proverb  ” the dying Torch”  that’s mean the breakdown of communication amongs members of large family due to the presence of family living far away or overseas because their jobs or marrying a partner in different areas.

Many of them are NOT familiar  yet with this PATRAP SENOPATI association  because it is just recently been established.

When is PATRAP SENOPATI be declared ?

The declaration of PATRAP SENOPATI was held on line virtually and  focused in  the Province of The Special Region of Jogyakarta (Daerah Istimewa Jogyakarta ) on 19 th of April 2022, and was attended  as many as 40 people from various regions througout Indonesia. The result of the declaration that day were agreed upon by the board of directors ,starting from the Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer as  well as other division that are part of the organizational structure.

As additional from me as Secretary General  , so far there have been several names who  have volunterly to become Regional administrors from the provincial districts / city levels. And i underlined that PATRAP SENOPATI  association is free from any political interests, but still adhered  or following the basic  principles of Pancasila (five principles of Indonesia), the 1945 Constitution, Bhineka Tunggal Ika unity in diversity, and the Integrity of the Unitary State of Republic of Indonesia ( NKRI)

WHO are the Founders ?

The ideas to establish a forum for the association is originated from 9 founders who have bloodline with Panembahan Senopati.

  1. Mr. Dr. KRT H. Nur Suhascaryo, Ir.Eng., M.Sc.
  2. Mr. Raden Bigar Rahasia Siswa, S.Pd., M.Pd.B.I
  3. Mr. Dr. Raden Tatto Sutamto, S.Sos., M.Si.
  4. Mr. Raden Novianto
  5. Mr. Raden Indratno Joko Sarwanto
  6. Mr. Raden Much Bintang Arief Martoadi, S.H., M.Kn.
  7. Mr. Raden Guruh Tolowijoyo, S.E
  8. Mr. Raden Aryokodipuro, S.Pd.
  9. Mr. Dr. Raden Agung Purwandono Saleh, M.Pd.

All of them were present at the time of declaration.


The initial efforts that will carried out  are :

-Data collection of members

-Searching for “Family Tree” Sarasilah data

-Formation of management

-Coordinating with the Organisations  of the CATUR SAGOTRA Namely Kasunanan Surakarta, Kasultanan Yogyakarta, Pura Mangkunegara and Pura Pakualam.

And to get legalized to be legal association, The Central  Executive Board (DPP) PATRAP SENOPATI is proposing the process of establishing LEGAL Entity with Notary HARYANI PRASTIWI,SH,Mkn in  Bantul Jogyakarta on 19 st April 2022 and also PRATAP SENOPATI is currently submitting a deed of establishment and a decree (SK) from The Ministry of Law n Human Rights ( Kemenkumham) and related agencies in order to obtain legal legitimacy.


The elected General Chairperson of PATRAP SENOPATI invited  all members to JOIN the Paguyuban, regarless of social status, economic status, educational backgrounds, culture, domicile,  including the political choices of each member.

It is hopes that in the future the PATRAP SENOPATI  run solidly, develop positively, and be beneficial for the homeland and Nation. The main principles that are held are : Harmony, Sincerity and Firmness in maintaining the credibility of anchestors and this  newly formed association well.